Meet Me at 7

Mia Chang ‘24

Windows change the atmosphere of the room and offer us a chance to look at another world from a different perspective. Yet, we typically look through windows but never at them. I wanted to appreciate the beauty of the windows we often ignore.

my girl as a lifeline

my girl like a painting roll me around in your mouth / like a cherry pit spit me back out up into the stars / wait for me to come down or don’t / my girl hold me like a china doll and glue each chipped finger back on / love me in your arms and don’t let me fall to the floor / my girl no bit of mountain across Idaho / across all the states can hold me back from you / pull me in like a magnet / like drop me in your coffee cup / melt me drink me up darling / believe in me or follow me to hell and pretend it’s heaven / a slash through a cross stitches itself onto the back pocket of my unwashed jeans / my too-long hair rusts / the new international version of the holy bible hides under a journal / we are the apples smashed together at the bottom of a bookbag sticky and fearless / my girl has no fears if I call you to kill a spider / I know you will come

Nikita Kohring ‘24

I was inspired to write this piece during an exercise in creative writing class that focused on associations between words. I used a slash format to try to convey the overwhelming love the narrator feels for their partner.